Sunday, May 18, 2008

May 18, 2008

Sorry I haven't updated my blog for awhile! I have changed to the new doctor who is so much better than the previous one...and I've only seen him once! My next appointment with him is June 2nd and we will be discussing more of my meds/options then. I also have started taking a water pill, which has reduced alot of the swelling in my feet!

Recently, I was in the hospital thinking I would get alot of intense therapy for my depression, however, it was more of a detox center. So, needless to say I am back at home. According to my insurance company, I was there too long and could not transfer to a different and more recommended hospital. It's a great possibility that I will be going to that other hospital after my Aunt Linda visits and after my June 2nd appointment.

Thanks again for all your thoughts, prayers and messages...they mean ALOT to me!!